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El Paso Diary: Day 38 in the Trial of Posada Carriles

The Sound and Fury of Otto Reich

by José Pertierra
Apr. 5, 2011
Reprinted from CounterPunch

Otto Reich

The defendant's name was barely mentioned in court in today. Instead, Judge Kathleen Cardone allowed the defense attorney to put the New York Times, its journalist Ann Louise Bardach and the Republic of Cuba on trial.

Last week, after 11 grueling weeks and 23 witnesses, the Government rested. The prosecution's final witness was Ann Louise Bardach. Now it is the defense's turn to present its case-in-chief.

A brief biography of the witness

Luis Posada Carriles' first witness was Otto Reich. He came to court dressed like a banker, wearing a tailored dark blue suit with a light blue tie that stood out from his starched white shirt.

Reich told the jurors that he was born in Havana in 1945 and immigrated to the United States in 1960. "I was 14 years old. My father decided to make our home in North Carolina, because he couldn't find work in New York," he said.

"Did you perform military service for our country?" asked defense attorney Arturo Hernández.

"Yes. From July of 1966 to November of 1969," answered Reich. He did not say and was not asked if he'd served in Vietnam during that period. With evident pride in his voice, Reich told the jurors that he'd worked for President Ronald Reagan and also for both Presidents Bush.

Some pearls of wisdom from Otto

After Reich testified that his duties under Reagan included matters relating to Cuba, Judge Cardone ruled that he could testify as an expert witness. As such, he need not limit his testimony to facts he has witnessed. He may testify about what he thinks, rather than only what he knows.

As an "expert on Cuba," Reich offered these pearls of wisdom to the jury:

  • There are 50,000 soldiers being held prisoner in Cuba and not for insubordination.
  • The rafter crisis of 1994 occurred because burly construction workers on Havana's seaside Malecón hit people over the head during an uprising.
  • Our FBI and CIA agents are decent people who obey the laws and rules of humane conduct, whereas their counterparts in Cuba's intelligence service do not and even kidnap people and kill them.

Since he had been declared an expert, there was no need to establish a foundation for his opinions. Reich's putative gnosis carries a weight all its own.

His expert opinions, however, fly in the face of well-established wisdom.

According to the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London—hardly a lefty think tank—Cuba's troop strength is believed to be somewhere between 50,000 to 60,000. To posit that 50,000 of those troops are in prison, as Reich maintains, means that hardly anyone in the Cuban armed forces has escaped incarceration to defend the country from invasion. Moreover, neither the CIA, the State Department or human rights groups remotely suggest a thing. Only Otto Reich is out on a limb on this issue.

According to Amnesty International, the 1994 rafter crisis was caused by a combination of events—notably the downturn in the island's economic conditions due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern European nations, Cuba's long-time trading partners. The U.S. embargo, coupled with laws that virtually guaranteed the legalization of Cubans who took to the seas to illegally immigrate to the United States also fueled the exodus, said Amnesty International. To allege that "burly construction workers" precipitated a mass exodus because they allegedly hit some people over the head at a demonstration is naïve—at best—and irresponsible.

Hasty generalizations are never recommended and ought to be avoided by expert witnesses. Otto Reich's expert opinion that U.S. intelligence officers "are people who obey the law and the rules of human behavior . . . whereas Cuban intelligence officers do not" also flies in the face of established fact. According to the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, army soldiers as well as American intelligence officers and contractors were responsible for physical, psychological and sexual abuse of prisoners, including torture, rape and sodomy.

Prosecutor Reardon objected vigorously, throughout Reich's direct examination. "Objection, relevance!" he said repeatedly. Curiously, the prosecutor did not object that the statements were wrong, naïve and without any foundation—nor did he point out that any one of Aesop's Fables contains more truth than all of Otto Reich's testimony today.

Judge Cardone overruled virtually all of Reardon's objections, because she found Reich's statements relevant for the purpose of impeaching previous witnesses.

It is curious, however, that to impeach the testimony of the two Cuban witnesses, Reich directed his testimony against the country of Cuba. He has no personal knowledge of either the Cuban investigator or the Cuban forensics specialist who testified previously, so he could make no reference to them. But Judge Cardone, by allowing Reich to attack Cuba, allowed him to attack them vicariously.

The Office of Disinformation and Propaganda

Among the posts that Reich held under President Ronald Reagan was Director of the so-called Office of Public Diplomacy, from 1983 to 1986. "It was the first time that the State Department created an office to get ahead of the critics of our foreign policy," said Reich.

An investigation by the U.S. Comptroller General found that at the end of the 1980s, the office headed by Reich had tried to influence public opinion in favor of the Nicaraguan Contras using "prohibited, covert propaganda."

Here in El Paso, the Government passed on the opportunity to ask him about a report, dated September 7, 1988, from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which evaluated the work of the office directed by Reich and concluded:

"...[S]enior CIA officials with backgrounds in covert operations, as well as military intelligence and psychological operations specialists from the Department of Defense, were deeply involved in establishing and participating in a domestic political and propaganda operation run through an obscure bureau in the Department of State which reported directly to the National Security Council rather than through the normal State Department channels."

The report added that "...the Department of State was used, and perhaps compromised, by the CIA and the NSC to establish, sustain and manage a domestic covert operation designed to lobby the Congress, manipulate the media and influence domestic public opinion."

"My office was investigated and they didn't find anything," Reich stated today. However, in his first speech as Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs at the State Department, Reich joked about the controversy and greeted his "former colleagues" and "unindicted co-conspirators."

The alleged biases of the New York Times and Ann Louise Bardach

Perhaps because of Reich's extensive knowledge about how to misinform and manipulate the media, the defense attorney wanted to bring him to El Paso. Attorney Hernández asked him to give the ladies and gentlemen of the jury his evaluation of the pre-eminent newspaper in the United States, the New York Times.

"The New York Times is biased against Cuban Americans in general and against anti-Castro Cuban-Americans in particular," the expert testified. He also offered an opinion about Ann Louise Bardach, the journalist who wrote for the New York Times and to whom Posada Carriles had confessed to being the mastermind behind the 1997 bombings in Havana.

Using the phrase made famous by FOX News, the rightwing news channel, Attorney Hernández asked, "In your opinion, is Ms. Bardach fair and balanced?"

"She is anything but fair and balanced," answered Reich.

Hernández then read aloud—in a mocking tone—various phrases from one of Bardach's books, where the author mentions Reich. Without asking for explanations, he asked Reich if Bardach's information was correct. "No, it isn't," Reich answered tersely.

None of the cited passages had to do with the indictment against Luis Posada Carriles. The essential point of Reich's testimony consisted of character assassinations of the New York Times and Bardach. "She manipulates information and falsifies things," stated Reich with the same self-assured tone he used earlier to opine about Cuba.

Eileen Murphy, the vice president of corporate communications for the New York Times, responded this afternoon to the witness's opinions: "Otto Reich has not demonstrated any factual errors in the [Bardach] stories, nor has anyone else in the 13 years since their publication," she said.

From Santa Barbara, California, Bardach also responded to Reich's statements. "Reporters with bias against exiles are not granted interviews with Orlando Bosch, Antonio Veciana, Salvador Lew, Juanita Castro, Angel Alfonso, Raúl Masvidal—and literally scores of Cuban-Americans in Miami I have been granted. The well-deserved criticism of Otto Reich—known for his vendettas with journalists and his perceived critics—by myself and many other reporters is not a reflection on any other Cuban-American," she said.

It is noteworthy that Judge Cardone would not allow Otto Reich to share his opinion about Luis Posada Carriles with the jurors, yet she permitted him to render vacuous opinions about Cuba, Venezuela, Latin America, the New York Times and Ann Louise Bardach.

No mention of the Venezuelan coup d'état or of Orlando Bosch

In El Paso, no one touched on Otto Reich's role in the coup d'état in Venezuela in 2002, his criticism of the Venezuelan democratic process and his immediate support for the coup plotters when he was working in the State Department of George W. Bush.

In April of 2002 the Guardian revealed that sources in the Organization of American States (OAS) confirmed that during the months immediately preceding the coup, Reich had a series of meetings with the principal organizers of the coup, where details of the coup were discussed, including its timing and chances for success, which they believed to be excellent.

The day of the coup, according to the Guardian, "Reich summoned ambassadors from Latin America and the Caribbean to his office. He said the removal of Chávez was not a rupture of democratic rule, as he had resigned and was 'responsible for his fate.' He said the U.S. would support the Carmona government."

Prosecutor Reardon also did not ask the witness about the cables from the State Department in 1986 and 1987, which confirm that Reich, then the U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela, asked Washington repeatedly for information about the possibility that Orlando Bosch might enter the United States, despite his long history of terrorism and his having been a co-conspirator with Posada Carriles in blowing up a passenger airliner.

Cuban culture

Reardon did ask the witness about the bombings in Havana in 1997. Despite considering himself an expert on Cuba, Otto Reich admitted that the only thing he knew about that terrorist campaign is what he had read in the papers. "I haven't studied the incident of the bombs," he said.

"Do you believe that the bombs in Havana in 1997 affected tourism on the island?" Reardon asked the expert. "Mr. Reardon," explained Reich, as though he was teaching a course on international relations to high school sophomores, "violence is part of Cuban culture."


What did the jurors think of Otto Reich's testimony in El Paso? It's impossible to tell, although he did communicate an allegiance to the Republican administrations of Ronald Reagan and both Bushes. It was also evident that Reich doesn't care for communists or for the New York Times. And it was obvious that he personally detests Ann Louise Bardach.

Yet it was also plain that Reich had absolutely nothing to say about the bombings in Havana in 1997 or about Posada Carriles' voyage on the Santrina in March of 2005. He was not in Havana in 1997 nor in Isla Mujeres in 2005. He said that he met Posada Carriles for the first time last night in El Paso.

Reich's testimony in El Paso recalls Macbeth's speech at Dunsinane Castle:

"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage

And then is heard no more: it is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing."



I first met Otto Reich in December of 1999, when we both appeared on PBS's NewsHour, in one of the first televised debates about the Elián González case.

During our several debates over the course of the next several months, Reich defended the proposition that the child should remain in Miami with distant relatives, and I argued that it was up to the father to decide where his son should live. "Elián is not your son, Otto," I told him many times. I was part of the legal team that represented Elián's father. I've not seen Reich since we won Elián's case. The little boy returned to Cuba to live with his father 11 years ago. When we saw each other last night at the hotel, Reich mentioned our debates, "Pertierra, I haven't seen you since the Elián case."

"Otto, that case we won," I reminded him.

José Pertierra practices law in Washington, DC. He represents the government of Venezuela in the case to extradite Luis Posada Carriles.

Translated by Manuel Talens and Machetera. They are members of Tlaxcala, the international network of translators for linguistic diversity (



Diario de El Paso: El cuento de Otto Reich

por José Pertierra
25 de marzo de 2011
Tomado de CubaDebate

Marzo 25, de 2011. El Paso, TX.- Hoy casi no se mencionó el nombre del acusado en corte. La Jueza Kathleeen Cardone permitió que la defensa de Luis Posada Carriles pusiera en tela de juicio al periódico The New York Times, a la periodista Ann Louise Bardach y a la República de Cuba.

La semana pasada, la fiscalía anunció que había terminado de presentar testigos y evidencia. Durante las 11 semanas de su presentación, desfilaron por el tribunal 23 testigos. La periodista del New York Times, Ann Louise Bardach, cerró esta sesión. Ahora le toca a Posada Carriles presentar su defensa.


Hoy citó a Otto Juan Reich al estrado. El testigo llegó a El Paso vestido de banquero. Con un traje de azul oscuro caro que le hacía juego a una corbata del mismo color y a una camisa blanca muy almidonada.

El fiscal Timothy J. Reardon III, también vistió hoy una corbata azul del cielo, el color oficial de la Universidad de Carolina de Norte.

Ambos son ex-alumnos de ese instituto, que esta tarde jugaba un importante partido de baloncesto universitario ante las cámaras de la televisión nacional contra la Universidad de Marquette. Los partidarios de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte estilan mostrar alguna prenda en azul carolina en momentos importantes deportivos.Jugueteando con sus colegas antes del comienzo del testimonio de Otto Reich esta tarde, Reardon le dijo a Jeremy Teresinski y a Bridgett Behling: “Reich está muy orgulloso de haberse graduado en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte”.

Eso no me sorprende, pensé. La universidad es buena. Sin que Reardon me haya preguntado mi opinión, le dije: “¿Cree usted que su Alma Máter esté igualmente orgullosa de Otto Reich?” No me respondió.


Reich le contó al jurado que nació en La Habana en 1945 y emigró a los Estados Unidos en 1960. ”Tenía 14 años”, dijo.”Mi padre decidió establecernos en Carolina del Norte, porque no pudo encontrar trabajo en New York”, añadió. ”¿Usted prestó servicio militar a nuestro país?”, le preguntó Arturo Hernández, el abogado de Posada Carriles.

“Sí. Desde julio de 1966 hasta noviembre de 1969″, respondió Reich. No dijo y no le preguntaron si había combatido en Viet Nam en esa época. Orgullosamente, Reich le contó al jurado que trabajó para el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Ronald Reagan, y también para los dos presidentes Bush.


Después que Reich le confirmara que sus funciones bajo Reagan incluían temas relacionados con Cuba, la jueza Cardone le concedió la etiqueta de experto. Esa designación le permite rendir en corte una opinión sobre cualquier asunto relacionado a Cuba. Su opinión pesa, porque es la de un experto.

Por eso Reich pudo legalmente regalarle al jurado estas curiosas perlas de su “experta” sabiduría:

  • Hay 50,000 militares presos en Cuba, y no por insubordinación.
  • La crisis de los balseros ocurrió, porque rudos obreros de la construcción le dieron fuertes golpes a las cabezas de unos manifestantes durante el maleconazo.
  • Los agentes de nuestro FBI y CIA son personas decentes que obedecen a las leyes y a las reglas de conducta humana. Los funcionarios del DGI cubano no. Ellos secuestran a las personas y hasta los asesinan.

Como lo declaró un experto no hizo falta establecer la veracidad de sus opiniones. No dio ni explicaciones ni detalles. La gnosis reichiana pesa por sí misma. Durante todas las declaraciones de Reich contra Cuba, el fiscal Reardon protestó enérgicamente. ”¡Esta declaración no es pertinente al caso!”, dijo en repetidas ocasiones. Curiosamente, el fiscal no se quejó de que las declaraciones carecían de fundamento y que las fábulas de Esopo contienen más verdades que las declaraciones del experto.

La jueza Cardone rechazó casi todas sus protestas, porque dictaminó que las declaraciones de Reich son pertinentes para impugnar a los testigos y a la evidencia cubana.

Sin embargo, Reich no hizo declaraciones directas contra el inspector cubano Roberto Hernández Caballero o la forense Yleana Vizcaíno Dimé. No dijo nada contra ellos, porque no los conoce. No tiene que aportar contra el carácter o el testimonio de los dos testigos cubanos. Dirigió su furia contra Cuba y de esa manera indirecta trató de impugnarlos.


Entre los puestos que Reich desempeñó para el Presidente Ronald Reagan, estaba el de Director -entre 1983 y 1986- de algo llamado la Oficina de Diplomacia Pública. ”Fue la primera vez que el Departamento de Estado creó una oficina para adelantarse a las críticas de nuestra política exterior”, declaró Reich.

Una investigación de la Oficina de Contraloría del Congreso determinó, a fines de los 80, que esa oficina que dirigió Reich trató de influir en la opinión pública a favor de la Contra nicaragüense con “propaganda encubierta prohibida”, cuando era director de la Oficina de Diplomacia del Departamento de Estado.

Nadie le preguntó tampoco al testigo sobre un informe, fechado el 7 de septiembre de 1988, del Comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Congreso, que evaluó el trabajo de la oficina que dirigió Otto Reich y concluyó:

“Altos oficiales de la CIA con conocimiento de operaciones encubiertas, igual que de inteligencia militar y especialistas en operaciones psicológicas del Departamento de Defensa, estaban íntimamente involucrados en establecer y participar en una operación de propaganda política en un oscuro Buró en el Departamento de Estado que reportaba directamente al Consejo de Seguridad Nacional y no a través de los canales normales del Departamento de Estado”.

El Informe añadió que “el Departamento de Estado fue manipulado, y quizás hasta comprometido, por la CIA y el Consejo de Seguridad Nacional para establecer, sostener y manejar una operación encubierta cuyo propósito era cabildear al Congreso, manipular a los medios, e influenciar la opinión pública doméstica”.

“Mi oficina fue investigada y no encontraron nada”, declaró Reich en El Paso hoy. Sin embargo, en su primer discurso como Subsecretario para asuntos de América Latina en el Departamento de Estado, Reich se burló de la controversia y saludó a sus “antiguos colegas y co-conspiradores no encausados”.


Quizás por su amplio conocimiento sobre como desinformar y manipular a los medios, el abogado defensor quiso traer a Otto Reich a El Paso. Le pidió que, desde el estrado, rindiera una evaluación del periódico más importante de los Estados Unidos, The New York Times.

“El New York Times está prejuiciado contra los cubanoamericanos en general, y contra los cubanoamericanos anti-Castro”, testificó el experto. También opinó sobre Ann Louise Bardach, la periodista del New York Times, a quien Posada Carriles le confesó ser el autor intelectual de las bombas en La Habana en 1997.

Utilizando la frase hecha famosa por la FOX News, el noticiero ultraderechista de los Estados Unidos, el abogado Hernández preguntó: “En su opinión, ¿es fair and balanced la Sra. Bardach?”

“Ella es todo lo contrario a justa y balanceada”, respondió Reich. ”Está parcializada contra los cubanoamericanos”.

Hernández le leyó a Reich en voz alta varias citas del libro de Bardach, en la que la periodista lo menciona. Sin pedirle explicaciones, le preguntó si la información de Bardach era correcta. ”No, no lo es”, respondió escuetamente Reich.

Ninguna de las citas tenían que ver con el caso de Posada Carriles. El meollo del testimonio consistió en atacar al New York Times y a la periodista Bardach. ”Ella manipula información y falsifica cosas”, declaró Reich.

Eileen Murphy, la vicepresidenta de Comunicaciones de The New York Times, respondió esta tarde a las opiniones del testigo: ”Otto Reich no ha mostrado algún error factual en los artículos [de Ann Louise Bardach], ni tampoco alguien más, en los 13 años desde que éstos han sido publicados”, dijo.

Desde Santa Barbara, California, Bardach también respondió a las declaraciones de Reich. ”Periodistas con prejuicios contra los exiliados cubanos no logran entrevistas con Orlando Bosch, Antonia Veciana, Salvador Lew, Juanita Castro, Angel Alfonso, Raúl Masvidal y decenas más de cubanoamericanos en Miami, como he logrado yo. La muy merecida crítica a Otto Reich, conocido por sus campañas vengativas contra periodistas y contra quienes él percibe ser sus críticos, incluyéndome a mí, no es una reflexión contra los demás cubanoamericanos”, dijo.

Pese a que había permitido que Reich emitiera sus opiniones sobre Cuba, Venezuela, América Latina, el New York Times y Ann Louise Bardach, la jueza Cardone no permitió que el testigo opinara sobre Luis Posada Carriles, y ni siquiera explicó el por qué.


En El Paso no salió a relucir el papel de Otto Reich durante el golpe de Estado en Venezuela en el 2002, su crítica al proceso democrático venezolano y su apoyo inmediato a los golpistas.

El diario británico the Guardian, reveló en abril de 2002, que fuentes de la Organización de Estados Americanos confirmaron que Reich tuvo una serie de reuniones con los principales golpitas en los meses inmediatamente antes del golpe, y que discutieron los detalles —incluyendo su coyuntura y las posibilidades del éxito que ellos determinaron ser excelentes”.

El día del golpe, informó the Guardian, “Reich citó a los embajadores de América Latina y el Caribe a su oficina. Les dijo que Chávez había renunciado y era responsable por su propio destino, y que los Estados Unidos apoyarían al gobierno del golpista Carmona.

“El fiscal Reardon no le preguntó al testigo sobre los cables del Departamento de Estado de 1986 y 1987, que confirman que Reich, entonces embajador de Estados Unidos en Venezuela, le pidió a Washington varias veces información sobre la posibilidad que Orlando Bosch pueda entrar a los Estados Unidos, a pesar de su largo historial de terrorismo y de ser co-conspirador con Posada Carriles de la voladura de un avión de pasajeros.


Reardon sí le preguntó al testigo sobre las bombas en La Habana en 1997. A pesar de considerarse un experto sobre Cuba, Otto Reich admitió que lo único que sabe sobre esa campaña terrorista es lo que había leído en los periódicos.”No he estudiado lo de la serie de bombas”, dijo.

“¿Cree usted que las bombas en La Habana en 1997 afectaron al turismo en la isla?”, le preguntó Reardon al experto.”Señor Reardon”, explicó Reich como si estuviera impartiendo una cátedra en relaciones internacionales, “la violencia es parte de la cultura cubana”.


¿Qué pudo haber recogido el jurado del testimonio de Otto Reich en El Paso? Está claro que el ex-funcionario de los gobiernos republicanos, desde Reagan hasta George W. Bush, no comulga con los comunistas o con el New York Times. Es evidente que desprecia personalmente a Ann Louise Bardach.

Pero también quedó claro que no tiene absolutamente nada que aportar sobre las bombas en La Habana en 1997 o sobre el viaje de Luis Posada Carriles en el Santrina en marzo de 2005. No estaba en La Habana en el 1997, o en Isla Mujeres en el 2005. Dijo que conoció a Posada Carriles por la primera vez anoche en El Paso.

El testimonio de Reich nos hace recordar a Macbeth: ”La vida no es más que una sombra en marcha; un mal actor que se pavonea y se agita una hora en el escenario y después no vuelve a saberse de él: es un cuento … lleno de ruido y de furia, que no significa nada”.


Yo conocí a Otto Reich en diciembre de 1999, cuando coincidimos en el programa The News Hour, del canal PBS, en el primero de varios debates televisivos sobre el caso de Elián González.

Él, por supuesto, defendía a capa y espada que el niño se quedara en Miami.Desde que Juan Miguel logró regresar con su hijo a su casa en Cárdenas, hace once años, no había vuelto a toparme con Reich. Lo volví a ver anoche en el hotel y lo saludé. Mencionó nuestros debates: “Pertierra, no te veo desde el caso Elián”.

“Ese caso, Otto, lo ganamos”, le recordé.

José Pertierra es abogado y tiene su bufete en Washington DC. Es el representante legal del gobierno de Venezuela para la extradición de Luis Posada Carriles.

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