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The Unfinished Act

by Deisy Francis Mexidor
Apr. 16, 2007
Reprinted from Daily Granma

The legal circus surrounding terrorist Luis Posada Carriles took another turn at the end of last week when a New Orleans appeals court reverted the ruling of Judge Kathleen Cardone that had granted Posada his release on bond until May 11, the date his trial on charges of immigration fraud is set to begin.

The troublesome guest of the Bush administration needs to be kept silent, because he is a man who knows too much. But how? By yielding to pressure from the most rabid anti-Cuban sector in Miami? These groups were widely represented at the El Paso hearing where Judge Cardone appeared to have certain "chemistry" with them, according to statements to Miami media by Posada’s lawyer, Arturo Hernandez.

Ernesto Diaz Rodriguez, head of the terrorist organization Alpha 66, was one of those present at the bail hearing. He anticipated the ruling in favor of Posada sayin, "perhaps, we will be nicely surprised soon." And indeed, the judge granted bail, responding to the lackadaisical efforts by the government to accuse such an individual for crimes that earned him the reputation as the most dangerous serial killer of the Western hemisphere.

In fact, the maneuver was just about to be materialized with Posada’s release when the New Orleans appeals court intervened.

The essence of what is to come was anticipated by Fidel Castro in his recent article when he wrote: "the US government and its most representative institutions decided beforehand to release the monster from jail."

"Speaking of granting parole to Posada is unacceptable," Camilo Rojo, son of one of Posada’s victims told Granma. His father died in the 1976 sabotage against a Cuban airliner off the coast of Barbados. "How are we going to accept that 30 years after the crime that took the life of my father, we, the relatives awaiting for justice, hear something like that from a judge? Who is going to guarantee that he will go to the hearing on May 11?" Rojo noted that Posada is an expert in finding hideouts and has numerous associates in the US.

As the terrorist himself has sustained, "The CIA taught me everything," and one of the things he learned all too well, besides planting bombs and killing, was to lie. This is not the first time he resorts to illegality entering or leaving a country. Nor would this be the first time that he flees, as he did when he escaped from prison in Venezuela, in 1985.

Declassified documents prove that Carriles has lived in several nations for years; Central America has been his natural habitat, where he has stayed illegally with fake identities. For his covert actions, he has used different aliases such as Ramon Medina, Ignacio Medina, Juan Ramon Medina, Ramon Medina Rodriguez, Jose Ramon Medina, Rivas Lopez, Juan Jose Rivas, Juan Jose Rivas Lopez, Julio Cesar Dumas, and Franco Rodriguez Mena.

Attention: In May 2005 he told a press conference that if he was not to stay in the United States, he would flee; while his buddy Santiago Alvarez, one of the people who helped him sneak into US territory on board the Santrina shrimp boat, said he already had a fake passport for him.

Luis Posada Carriles has never denied his terrorist activities. On October 7, 2006, one day after the 30th anniversary of the horrendous crime in Barbados, he said with a challenging tone to a radio station in Miami that he didn’t repent anything he had ever done. In his book "The Warrior’s Path," a sort of autobiography, he exhibits his dirty work at the service of the CIA and the US government.

Jose Mendez Mendez, one of the scholars at the Cuban State Security Research Center, said it would not be surprising to witness "what usually happens in this cases: they announce that several charges have been leveled against him, then they enter into a plea bargain, and finally the defendant makes it to the streets or is given house arrest." He added that the same 1989 cycle could be repeated, when Orlando Bosh, an individual who was considered just as dangerous and unacceptable for the US as Posada, was scandalously pardoned by George Bush Sr."

How would the people of the United States react if they knew that Osama bin Laden was in jail, but would be released on bond and would only be tried on charges of lying to immigration authorities?

Between Bin Laden, wanted for being the presumed author of the terrible acts against the Twin Towers in New York City, and Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles there is a common link. The three were recruited, trained and lead by the CIA in the art of killing.

However in matters of terrorism and terrorists, the US administration has clearly shown a double standard. That fact couldn’t be better demonstrated than the case of five Cubans who infiltrated Miami-based terrorist organizations, risking their lives to neutralize their plans. However, the men, known as the Cuban Five, remain in federal prisons after eight and a half years serving stiff prison terms and maltreatment while the government looks for a way to facilitate Posada’s road to impunity.


El show inconcluso

por Deisy Francis Mexido
16 de abril de 2007
Reimprimado de Granma Diario

El fabricado show judicial en torno al terrorista Luis Posada Carriles cumplió un nuevo capítulo al revertir un tribunal de apelaciones la orden de la jueza Kathleen Cardone de otorgarle libertad bajo fianza hasta el 11 de mayo próximo, cuando comenzará el juicio por cargos de fraude migratorio.

El huésped incómodo para la administración de George W. Bush, debe permanecer callado, porque es un hombre que sabe demasiado. ¿Cómo lograrlo?, cediendo a las presiones del sector más reaccionario del exilio cubano americano y sus grupos terroristas asentados en Miami, ampliamente representados en la audiencia de El Paso, donde la Cardone manifestó cierta "química", según afirmó luego a una radio de Miami, el señor Arturo Hernández, abogado de Posada.

Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez, cabecilla de la organización terrorista Alpha 66, uno de los asistentes a la vista, anticipó la sentencia: "tal vez muy pronto nos den la alegría". En efecto: la Jueza dispuso la libertad condicional, ante la falta de gestión del gobierno para acusar a semejante individuo como asesino en serie en el hemisferio occidental. La maniobra estuvo a punto de consumarse como parte de las vergonzosas componendas para sacarlo a la calle.

La esencia de lo que está por venir fue develada por Fidel en su reciente artículo: "el gobierno de EE.UU. y sus instituciones más representativas decidieron de antemano la libertad del monstruo".

"Hablar de libertad condicional es inaceptable, indigno", opinó por su parte a Granma Camilo Rojo, hijo de una de las víctimas del sabotaje a la aeronave de Cubana de Aviación. "¿Cómo admitir que 30 años después del crimen que costó la vida a mi padre, los familiares, que esperamos justicia, escuchemos esto de una Jueza? ¿Quién nos garantiza que comparecerá al juicio el 11 de mayo?", preguntó, teniendo en cuenta que Posada es experto en encontrar escondites, más en EE.UU., donde están sus mentores y principal soporte.

Como el mismo terrorista ha sostenido, "la CIA me lo enseñó todo", y una de las cosas que aprendió muy bien, además de poner bombas y matar, fue a mentir con la mayor llaneza. Esta no es la primera vez que utiliza la ilegalidad para entrar o salir de un país. Ni es la primera vez que se fuga, como lo hizo de una prisión de Venezuela, en 1985.

Documentos desclasificados evidencian que Carriles ha vivido durante años en distintas naciones —Centroamérica ha sido su hábitat natural— donde ha permanecido de manera ilegal, con falsa identidad. Utilizó, para sus actividades encubiertas, alias como Ramón Medina, Ignacio Medina, Juan Ramón Medina, Ramón Medina Rodríguez, José Ramón Medina, Rivas López, Juan José Rivas, Juan José Rivas López, Julio César Dumas y Franco Rodríguez Mena.

Ojo: en mayo del 2005 refirió en conferencia de prensa que si no podía quedarse en Estados Unidos, se fugaba, mientras su compinche Santiago Álvarez, uno de los que lo ayudó a ingresar ilegalmente al país en el buque Santrina, ya le tenía reservado un pasaporte falso.

Luis Posada Carriles jamás ha negado su estirpe terrorista. El 7 de octubre del 2006, un día después de cumplirse el trigésimo aniversario del horrendo crimen de Barbados, declaró en tono desafiante a otra emisora de Miami que no se arrepentía de nada de lo que había hecho. En su libro que pretende ser autobiográfico Los Caminos del Guerrero, refrenda su execrable hoja de servicios a la CIA y al gobierno de EE.UU.

Para el doctor José Méndez Méndez, estudioso del Centro de Investigaciones de la Seguridad del Estado, no sería extraño que ocurra "lo que pasa siempre: anuncian varios cargos, luego entran en arreglos y al final el supuesto acusado sale a la calle o le dan casa por cárcel". Y apuntó que podría repetirse el ciclo de 1989, cuando a Orlando Bosch, considerado un individuo peligroso e inaceptable para Estados Unidos, George Bush padre le otorgó un escandaloso indulto".

¿Cómo reaccionaría el pueblo norteamericano si supiera que Osama bin Laden estuviese preso, recibiera libertad bajo fianza, y que comparecería ante un juez únicamente por cargos de falso testimonio?

Entre Bin Laden, buscado por ser el presunto autor de los terribles atentados a las Torres Gemelas, Orlando Bosch y Luis Posada Carriles, existe un hilo conductor, los tres fueron engendrados, entrenados y dirigidos por la CIA en el arte de matar.

Pero en cuestiones de terrorismo y terroristas la administración estadounidense tiene una doble vara de medir, tan es así que hoy los Cinco cubanos que, aun a riesgo de sus vidas, penetraron organizaciones criminales asentadas en Miami y neutralizaron sus planes, continúan confinados en penitenciarías federales expuestos a innegables maltratos, al tiempo que se cuece la manera de facilitarle a Posada el camino hacia la anunciada impunidad.



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