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Cuba Denounces Terrorist Impunity in US

Nov. 14, 2007
Reprinted from Prensa Latina

United Nations, Nov 14 (Prensa Latina) Cuba has denounced the impunity enjoyed in the United States by several confessed terrorists who, lacking scruples, have committed numerous bloody acts against Cuba.

The issue was addressed on Wednesday by Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations Rodrigo Malmierca, during a Security Council debate, where he referred to freedom granted to Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, responsible for the blowing up of a Cuban plane in mid flight in 1976, killing all 73 people on board.

The Cuban diplomat also referred to freedom enjoyed in the USA by terrorist Crispin Remon, who is responsible for the assassination of Cuban diplomat Felix Garcia and, two decades later, tried to assassinate President Fidel Castro in Panama.

In contrast, he accused the US government for holding five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters in US prisons, although they were only trying to gather information about Miami-based terrorist groups in order to prevent their violent actions and save the lives of Cuban and US citizens.

He made the point that it is impossible to eliminate terrorism if some such acts are condemned while others are kept quiet, tolerated, justified or simply manipulated for political interests.

"We again demand the immediate release of Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labanino, Fernando Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero and Rene Gonzalez, all anti-terrorist fighters who have been kidnapped in US prisons for almost ten years," he stressed.

Cuba Denounces New US Maneuver in Posada Carriles's Case

Nov. 15, 2007
Reprinted from ACN

Havana, Nov 15 (acn) Cuba affirmed on Wednesday at the United Nations (UN) that the appeal filed by the US government before a US Federal Court last November 6th regarding the release of international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles constitutes a new public relations maneuver.

According to Prensa Latina news agency, the island's ambassador to the international body in New York said that this action was "only a smoke screen to hide the culpability of the self-confessed terrorist".

During a discussion of the topic 'Information of the Presidents of Subsidiary Bodies' of the UN Security Council, Malmierca denounced that Washington insists on trying to approach the case as a mere migratory offense.

"Thus, they guarantee the definitive freedom for the terrorist and the elimination of all charges against him," the Cuban ambassador noted.

In this respect, he stressed that Cuba once again appeals to the UN Security Council to denounce and condemn the complicity and
responsibility of the US government in the release of this criminal.

Malmierca added that right now "Washington's spokespeople are trying to distort the reality and to present the Posada Carriles case as a bilateral conflict between Cuba and the United States or between the United Sates and Venezuela."

The Cuban ambassador recalled that last October 6th marked the 41st anniversary of the mid-air bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed all 73 people onboard off the coast of Barbados, a terrorist action that was organized by Posada Carriles.

He also recalled that on that occasion, when Cuba asked the UN Security Council to take action, it did nothing and the draft resolution then submitted by Cuba was not even taken into consideration.

"On that occasion, the US representative during that session of the Security Council said it was a waste of time," said Malmierca.

The island's diplomat noted that the Cuban government demands that Washington extradites Posada Carriles to Venezuela or that it tries him on US territory for his terrorist crimes.

Malmierca concluded saying that another terrorist who was also a mastermind of the 1976 mid-air bombing of the Cuban airliner, Orlando Bosch, walks the streets of Miami as a free man and makes public statements boasting of his vast record of terrorist attacks against Cuba.



Denuncia Cuba impunidad de terroristas en Estados Unidos

14 de noviembre de 2007
Reimprimado de Prensa Latina

Naciones Unidas, 14 nov (PL) Cuba denunció hoy la impunidad que gozan en Estados Unidos varios terroristas confesos y sin escrúpulos, que han realizado numerosos actos sangrientos en ese país caribeño.

El tema fue abordado por el embajador ante las Naciones Unidas, Rodrigo Malmierca, durante un debate en el Consejo de Seguridad en el que abordó la libertad de Luis Posada Carriles y Orlando Bosch, responsables de la explosión en pleno vuelo de un avión cubano.

El diplomático también se refirió a la libertad que disfruta en Estados Unidos el terrorista Pedro Crispín Remón, responsable de asesinar al diplomático cubano Félix García y de intentar dos décadas después matar al presidente Fidel Castro en Panamá.

Malmierca denunció que, en contraste, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos mantiene como presos políticos, en cárceles de alta seguridad, a cinco jóvenes cubanos.

Dijo que ellos solo trataban de obtener información sobre los grupos terroristas ubicados en Miami para prevenir sus actos violentos y salvar vidas de ciudadanos cubanos y de Estados Unidos.

"Una vez más, Cuba exige la inmediata liberación de Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González, Antonio Guerrero y René González, luchadores contra el terrorismo que ya han permanecido 10 años secuestrados en cárceles norteamericanas", dijo.

El Embajador reiteró la solicitud de su país al Consejo de Seguridad y su Comité Contra el Terrorismo, para que atiendan con urgencia la detallada información que les ha sido proporcionada por Cuba.

Pidió que "se adopten todas las medidas necesarias en correspondencia con las resoluciones relevantes aprobadas".

Como mínimo, este órgano debe exigir al gobierno de los Estados Unidos juzgar de inmediato a Luis Posada Carriles por sus actos de terrorismo o extraditarlo a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, cuya justicia lo reclama, expresó.

Agregó que "el doble rasero no puede prevalecer. El Consejo de Seguridad no puede seguir haciendo silencio cómplice ante esta grosera afrenta a las víctimas del terrorismo en todo el mundo".

Es imposible eliminar el terrorismo si se condenan algunos actos terroristas mientras se silencian, toleran o justifican otros o sencillamente se manipula el tema para promover estrechos intereses políticos, añadió.



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