Comité Nacional por la Libertad de los Cinco Cubanos

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US Activists to Demand Freedom for Cuban Five

June 26, 2007
Reprinted from ACN

Havana, June 26 (acn) Thousand of activists are scheduled to participate at the United States Social Forum to take place from Wednesday to Sunday in the city of Atlanta where they will demand the immediate freedom of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in US prisons for nearly nine years.

According to a report of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, that organization will foster an informative table on the biased judicial process which punished the Five which extremely harsh sentences for fighting terrorism.

Fernando Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labanino and Rene Gonzalez, internationally known as the Cuban Five, were arrested in 1998 by the FBI for trying to prevent terrorist acts orchestrated by right-wing Florida-based organizations which have caused death and huge damage to the island over the last 45 years.

The Atlanta Forum includes the collection of signatures in support of the Five's release and the screening of the documentaries "MisiÛn contra el terror" and "Posada Carriles: Terrorismo Made in USA."

The meeting will be attended by the Five's defence lawyer Leonard Weinglass; president of the National Lawyers Guild, Marjorie Cohn; coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, Gloria La Riva; and Rene's brother Roberto Gonzalez.

US Social Forum Backs Cuban Five

June 28, 2007
Reprinted from Prensa Latina

Washington, Jun 28 (Prensa Latina) Part of the Atlanta Social Forum, the Solidarity with Cuba Network moved the battle forward Thursday, for the release of five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters unfairly imprisoned in the United States.

The group"s co-director Ignacio Menezes told Prensa Latina that the Cuban Five topic captured event participants" attention, due to the media silence on this issue.

Fernando Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labañino and Rene Gonzalez are serving harsh sentences ranging from 15 years to double life imprisonment, for merely defending their country from terrorist activities by extreme rightwing groups of Cuban origin in Miami.

Social activists from this country and other parts of the world are learning how the Washington government tries to get the Caribbean island to surrender through the economic blockade and financing groups to sow fear and anarchy.


Respaldarán causa de antiterroristas cubanos en Foro Social EE.UU.

28 de junio de 2007
Reimprimado de Prensa Latina

Washington, 28 jun (PL) La Red de Solidaridad con Cuba impulsará hoy la batalla por la liberación de cinco antiterroristas cubanos presos en Estados Unidos, como parte de las actividades del Foro Social de Atlanta, informó Ignacio Menezes, co-director del grupo.

En declaraciones a Prensa Latina, Menezes indicó que el tema de los luchadores de la Isla acapara la atención de los participantes en el evento, debido al silencio mediático que existe al respecto.

Fernando González, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino y René González cumplen severas penas de cárcel -incluida una doble cadena perpetua- por penetrar grupos extremistas anticubanos en Miami e impedir atentados contra su país.

Activistas sociales de Norteamérica y otras partes del mundo escucharán cómo el gobierno de Washington intenta doblegar a la isla caribeña a través del bloqueo económico y el financiamiento de grupos que pretenden sembrar el temor y la anarquía.

Los panelistas explicarán que Cuba supo de la existencia de planes de sabotaje ideados en Miami y, compartió esos datos con las autoridades estadounidenses, pero éstas, en vez de actuar contra los criminales, buscaron y atraparon a los informantes.

Por esta razón, los cinco cubanos, reconocidos como héroes por el movimiento de justicia internacional a su favor, permanecen presos, carecen de derechos elementales como el acceso a la familia o, sufren largos períodos de incomunicación.

Leonard Weinglass, abogado principal para el caso, explicará algunas de las arbitrariedades cometidas desde 1998 en contra de sus representados, que sufrieron la intolerancia de extremistas cubano-americanos y una campaña mediática para condenarlos de antemano.



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