Comité Nacional por la Libertad de los Cinco Cubanos

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Concert In New York For The Freedom Of The Cuban Five

Sept. 15, 2008
Reprinted from

New York, Sept. 14, 2008. The Hostos Center for the Arts and Culture united musicians from various countries in its emblematic Bronx Theater for an evening of solidarity, through music and song, with the Cuban Five and their families.

The New York public, particularly the large Dominican and Puerto Rican community, responded enthusiastically to the call by the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five, some arriving even after the concert began to buy the last tickets.

In attendance to enjoy the stellar performances and express their solidarity with the Cuban Five, were the Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations, Rodrigo Malmierca, and other U.N. diplomats from Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Haiti, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

The concert was opened by the Puerto Rican Golden Jazz All Stars, followed by Dominican songwriter Victor Victor and his group. After the intermission Pablo Marcano Garcia spoke and introduced Puerto Rican legend Danny Rivera who closed the show inviting a group of troubadours who sang “Décimas” alluding to the struggle to free the Five.

Audience members danced in their seats, gave standing ovations and cheered for the artists who offered their voice to vindicate the dignity and resistance of Gerardo Hernandez, Rene Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labañino and Fernando Gonzalez, the Five Stars to whom the concert was dedicated.

The Puerto Rican author and visual artist Pablo Marcano Garcia donated seven of his serigraphy entitled “Sagrado Corazon Jibaro”, which he presented at the concert beautifully framed; two of which sold immediately. The other five are available for sale. For more information contact:

Bill Santiago, who was the emcee, expressed his thanks for being invited to participate in the concert.

In the lobby during the intermission people gathered around the informational table asking how they could help in the campaign and contributed by buying buttons, books, and t-shirts. In particular, many women who attended the concert were especially moved by the international campaign for the visas for Olga Salanueva and Adriana Perez. People took many postcards to send to Condaleeza Rice demanding visas for the two Cuban women.

The work of the production team, headed by Bill Martinez and Alicia Jrapko, was successful despite the boycott from those who are enemies of Cuba and the Cuban Five.

Alicia Jrapko, US Coordinator of the International Committee thanks the musicians, diplomats, and audience present for honoring these five men who have been unjustly imprisoned for 10 years and for those around the world who demand their freedom, as the large stage banner exclaims.

The theater was full of energy and emotion when amidst great applause the audience chanted several times Free the Cuban Five!

A message from Rene Gonzalez on behalf of the Five was read by Nancy Cabrero, President of Casa de las Americas from New York. Danny Glover was present through a letter read by the young North American member of the International Committee, Melanie Langlois.

Telesur was not able to broadcast the concert live due to the media’s focus on Hurricane Ike in the Caribbean.

The concert, which was itself a storm of solidarity for the freedom of the Five, will be broadcast in the near future as part of the Telesur programming.

The Manhattan Neighborhood Network, which produces documentaries, recorded the concert to be shown on cable TV and by other local media throughout the US.

This concert, the first of its kind to take place in the US, has been a modest contribution to the sacrifice of these five men who are unjustly imprisoned for a decade for deterring terrorist actions against their people.

Message From The Cuban Five To Participants Of The Concert "Five Stars And One Song"

Sept. 18, 2008
Reprinted from

We were adolescents when the first embrace from Danny Rivera arrived to our besieged homeland. By then, our parents were writing a heroic and silenced history of confrontation against terrorism. His embrace full of love and melody was as an extended bridge in the Caribbean, where our rhythms have transited in all directions to reaffirm the human warmness, the sensibility, the hospitality and the identity that makes us one.

"I want a people who laugh and chant” cried out our brother, and we laughed and chanted together, and we continue to do that. But we also have to continue defending ourselves because – unfortunately- only through fighting have we been able to realize our dreams. Until we achieve this forever once in awhile we have to exercise our rights.

Today you have come together to laugh and to chant, to denounce another shameful and silenced chapter in the long history of terrorism against Cuba. Again tonight, our Caribbean bridge comes to life and our homelands of Duarte, Betances and Marti; Sara, Sonia y Lucecita unites in only one homeland to defend five of their humbled sons.

In this hour of giving thanks we must also do it in the name of the Boricuas, Afro-Americans, aborigines, and other US political prisoners; victims all of the vindictive and unjust system that this concert is denouncing.

While there is an injustice without remedy we can not forget to laugh, neither to sing nor to continue to fighting.

We wish you a happy concert and we sent you a revolutionary and Caribbean embrace.

Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando y René


Concierto En New York Por La Libertad De Los Cinco

15 de septiembre de 2008
Reimprimado de

New York, 14 de Septiembre 2008. El Teatro del Centro Hostos para las Artes y la Cultura reunió en una misma noche a músicos de distintos países que se dieron cita
en el emblemático Teatro del Bronx para expresar, desde la música y el canto, su solidaridad con los Cinco Cubanos y sus Familias.

La convocatoria del Comité Internacional por la Libertad de los Cinco tuvo excelente respuesta en el publico neoryorkino y en particular en la numerosa colonia dominicana y puertorriqueña que llegaba incluso ya comenzado el Concierto a comprar los últimos boletos.

Diplomáticos de las embajadas de Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Haití, Nicaragua, San Vicente y Granadinas y Zimbabwe se hicieron presentes para disfrutar la excelente música y demostrar su solidaridad hacia los Cinco Cubanos, representados en el Concierto a través del Embajador de Cuba ante la ONU Rodrigo Malmierca.

El concierto comenzó con el grupo de Puerto Rico Golden Jazz All Stars, seguido por el cantautor dominicano Victor Victor y su grupo. A continuación el pintor puertorriqueño Pablo Marcano Garcia introdujo al legendario cantante Danny Rivera, quien cerró el espectáculo invitando a un grupo de trovadores a cantar “Décimas” relacionadas con la lucha por la libertad de los Cinco.

Los asistentes, bailaron desde sus asientos, aplaudieron de pie y dieron vivas a quienes con su canto reivindicaron la dignidad y la resistencia de Gerardo Hernández, Rene González, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labanino y Fernando González Llort, las Cinco Estrellas a quienes fue dedicado el Concierto.

El escritor y artista plástico puertorriqueño Pablo Marcano, dono siete Serigrafías de su hermosa obra: Sagrado Corazón Jíbaro, un Acrílico Espátula de 36 x 72. Marcano se presento en el Concierto con la bellísima obra enmarcada que de inmediato se vendió junto a otra de sus serigrafías. Las cinco restantes están disponibles y pueden solicitarse a través del correo de la Pág. Web:

Bill Santiago quien oficio como Maestro de Ceremonias, agradeció se lo haya convocado para participar en el Concierto.

En los pasillos del Hall la gente se acercaba a las mesas preguntando como hacer para ayudar en la campana, solidariamente contribuían adquiriendo botones, libros y pulloveres alusivos a la campana internacional. Especial sensibilidad despertó en las mujeres que asistieron al Concierto, la campaña internacional por las visas a Olga Salanueva y Adriana Pérez. Cientos de Tarjetas fueron recogidas para enviar a Condoleezza Rice exigiendo las visas para las dos mujeres cubanas.

El trabajo del equipo de producción realizado por Bill Martínez y Alicia Jrapko fue exitoso, pese al boicot que quisieron hacer los enemigos de Cuba y de los Cinco.
Alicia Jrapko, Coordinadora en EEUU del Comité Internacional agradeció la presencia de los músicos, diplomáticos y público presente para cantar por estos Cinco Hombres que llevan 10 anos de injusta cárcel y por los que el mundo exige su libertad, tal como expresaba el gran cartel ubicado en el escenario.

La emoción se apoderó de todos cuando en medio de un gran aplauso el público exigió Libertad Ya a los Cinco.

Un mensaje de Rene González en nombre de los Cinco, fue leído por Nancy Cabrero, PTA. de la Casa de las América de NYork. Danny Glover se hizo presente a través de una carta que leyó la joven norteamericana Melanie Langlois.

El concierto no pudo ser trasmitido en directo por Telesur debido a la prioridad que ocupa en los medios el paso del Huracán Ike por el Caribe.

El huracán de solidaridad que fue la realización de este Concierto por la libertad de los Cinco, será transmitido en forma diferida dentro de la programación de Telesur.

El Manhattan Neighborhood Network, una productora de documentales, grabo el concierto para emitirlo en TV de cable y otros medios locales en EEUU.

Este Concierto, el primero que se realiza en EEUU de esta naturaleza, ha sido un modesto homenaje al sacrificio de estos cinco hombres que guardan injusta prisión desde hace una década por evitar atentados terroristas contra su pueblo.



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