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Peruvian Solidarity Committee Asks US Deputies to Interfere in Favor of Cuban Five

Feb. 15, 2009
Reprinted from ACN

HAVANA, Cuba, Aug 19 (acn) The Peruvian Committee of Solidarity with the Cuban Five asked American Congress members to interfere in favor of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters imprisoned in the US.

The organization handed a document to a delegation of American legislators visiting Peru in which they demand that President Barack Obama adopts the necessary measures to have the Cubans released from jail, reported Prensa Latina.

Indigenous deputy Hilaria Supa delivered the text that points out that Rene Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Gerardo Hernandez and Fernando Gonzalez – internationally known as the Cuban Five- will soon have served 11 years of unjust imprisonment.

“They were unfairly condemned for crimes they did not commit and their freedom has been demanded all over the world,” says the document.

The Cuban Five are kept in different jails in the United States, away from each other, notes the document and adds that the United Nations has described their imprisonment as arbitrary and unjust.

The five Cuban men were arrested in 1998 for warning their country of violent acts organized by terrorist groups based in South Florida.

They were tried and convicted to long sentences – ranging from 15 years to two life terms - in 2001 in a Miami Court after biased and unjust process.


Piden libertad de cinco cubanos a parlamentarios de EE.UU.

18 de agosto de 2009
Tomado de Prensa Latina

Lima, 18 ago (PL) El Comité Peruano de Solidaridad con los Cinco luchadores antiterroristas cubanos encarcelados en Estados Unidos, demandó hoy la libertad de los prisioneros en una declaración entregada a una delegación parlamentaria de ese país.

El documento, al que tuvo acceso Prensa Latina, fue entregado a la delegación, que cumple una visita a Perú, por la parlamentaria indígena Hilaria Supa, y solicita que los legisladores demanden al presidente Barack Obama la adopción de las medidas necesarias para la libertad de los cubanos.

Señala que los luchadores antiterroristas René González, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Gerardo Hernández y Fernando González, cumplirán en las próximas semanas once años de injusta detención.

Han sido condenados injustamente por delitos que nunca cometieron, y cuya libertad demanda el mundo, agrega la declaración.



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