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The case of the Five is a legal aberration

Affirms Miguel d'Escoto in a meeting with families of the anti-terrorist Cubans imprisoned in the United States

by Deisy Francis Mexidor
Sept. 2, 2009
Reprinted from Granma International

THE case of the Five is a “legal aberration,” affirmed Miguel d'Escoto, president of the 63rd Session of UN General Assembly, during a meeting with family members of the anti-terrorist Cubans, who have been political prisoners in U.S. jails for the last 11 years.

D'Escoto, who is currently in Havana on a working visit, reiterated his criticism of the self-proclaimed war on terrorism launched by the White House and said that it is totally absurd that Gerardo, Antonio, Ramón, Fernando and René are imprisoned precisely for having obtained information on criminal plots being prepared from Miami against the sister Republic of Cuba, always full of solidarity.”

That will be one of the issues covered in the final speech of his presidency before the General Assembly on September 14, D’Escoto stated, going on to confirm his personal commitment to this cause, “until justice is done.”

He added that President Barack Obama has the power to immediately correct this injustice and urged him to put into practice the proposal of change that won him the U.S. presidency because, “in relation to this case, that change is not being seen.”

The outgoing president of the UN General Assembly also referred to the “tremendous suffering” that these years of arbitrary detention have brought “for them and their families.”

At the end of the meeting, in an aside to the press, the Nicaraguan priest and revolutionary said that he is the bearer of the book Cartas de amor y esperanza (Letters of Love and Hope) and a letter to Obama from family members of the Five, asking him to grant them visas, particularly Adriana Pérez and Olga Salanueva, the wives of Gerardo and René, respectively, who have repeatedly been denied them by the U.S. government.

Likewise, he stated that this case is damaging the image of the United States and observed, “Now, it is not about rectifying anything, but releasing them immediately.”

Lastly, D'Escoto condemned the coup d’état in Honduras and called for the return of constitutionality to that Central American nation. He also described the U.S. bases in Colombia as a “terrible setback. It is a threat to peace,” he affirmed.


Califica D’Escoto de absurdo encierro de Los Cinco

por Abel González Veranes
1 de septiembre de 2009
Tomado de Radio Rebelde

La Habana, Cuba.- Miguel D’Escoto, presidente del sexagésimo tercer período de sesiones de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, sostuvo en horas de la tarde de hoy en La Habana, un encuentro con familiares de los Cinco antiterroristas cubanos prisioneros en Estados Unidos.

El sacerdote y revolucionario nicaragüense, quien realiza una visita de trabajo en la mayor de las Antillas desde el pasado 31 de agosto calificó de absurdo el encierro de Ramón Labañino, René González, Gerardo Hernández, Fernando González y Antonio Guerrero.

“Es totalmente absurdo, precisamente por haber sacado la información sobre planes terroristas que desde Miami se preparan en contra de la heroica y siempre solidaria hermana República de Cuba.”

D’Escoto precisó que la llamada guerra contra el terrorismo que lleva a cabo la Casa Blanca es solo un pretexto, pues a pesar de que fue entregada la información por los canales correspondientes, la respuesta de Washington ante el caso fue apresarlos en condiciones que atentan contra los derechos humanos.

De igual modo, indicó que incluirá en su discurso final ante la Asamblea el venidero 14 de septiembre el tema de los Cinco, con el cual expresó estar totalmente comprometido hasta que se haga justicia.

Vamos a seguir en la lucha porque es una aberración, es una cosa increíble que so pretexto de una guerra contra el terrorismo se castigue a los más destacados héroes antiterroristas, causando tremendo sufrimiento a ellos y a su familia, concluyó.



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