Declaration for the Cuban Five
by Alianza Martiana (Martí Alliance) In our commemoration today of June 14, 2010, the 165th anniversary of the birth of Major General Antonio Maceo and the 82nd anniversary of the Heroic Guerrilla, Ernesto Guevara, and being this the day that in Miami the defense attorneys of the Cuban Five will present a Habeas Corpus petition — the last appeal of the Five's guilty verdicts and sentences to judge Joan Lenard in the Federal District Court of Southern Florida — the organizations of the Cuban immigration in Miami that make up the Martí Alliance (Alianza Martiana): the Antonio Maceo Brigade; the Alianza Martiana as organization; the Alliance of Workers of the Cuban Community; the José Martí Association; the Bolivarian Circle of Miami; and the Association of Christian Women in Defense of the Family; make known the following: Throughout the Cuban Five trial and an extremely difficult and disheartening process of appeals which is now in its 9th year, it is evident that the treatment of this case has not been about justice; The merits of the case favorable to the Five have been amply demonstrated during trial and in the briefs presented during the endless appeals process by their illustrious defense team. The attorneys of the Five have carried out their responsibilities. We, the organizations in Miami that make up the Alianza Martiana — and equally certain we are of the organizations and individuals in the United States and the world that make up the political movement in solidarity with the Cuban Five — will carry out our responsibility. We will not cease in our struggle until we see them free!
| Declaración por los Cinco
por Alianza Martiana Conmemorándose hoy 14 de junio de 2010 el 165 aniversario del natalicio del Mayor General Antonio Maceo y el 82 aniversario del natalicio del Guerrillero Heroico, Ernesto Guevara, y con motivo de que es hoy cuando aquí en Miami los abogados de la defensa de los Cinco presentan bajo el amparo de Habeas Corpus el último trámite del proceso de apelación de sus veredictos de culpabilidad y de sus condenas ante el Tribunal Federal de Distrito del Sur de la Florida y ante la jueza Joan Lenard, quien originalmente los juzgó y condenó, las organizaciones de la emigración cubana en Miami que integramos la Alianza Martiana: la Brigada Antonio Maceo, la Alianza Martiana (como organización individual), la Alianza de Trabajadores de la Comunidad Cubana, la Asociación José Martí, el Círculo Bolivariano de Miami y la Asociación de Mujeres Cristianas en Defensa de la Familia, dejamos saber lo siguiente: Desde el transcurso del juicio de los Cinco y a través de un dificultoso y engañoso proceso de apelación que ya se encuentra en su noveno año se ha hecho evidente que este caso nada tiene que ver con la justicia