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Donate Here Online:

Select one of these amounts and click the "Add to Cart" button below it. To donate a different amount, you'll adjust the "quantity" of the item later. For example, if you want to donate $200, click the $100 button, and then, in the "shopping cart" which appears, change the quantity to "2" and click the "Update Cart" button.

$25 Donation:

$50 Donation:

$100 Donation:

Online (tax-deductible donations, U.S. taxpayers only):

Click this button, and then enter the amount you wish to donate in the "Price" column:

By check or money order:

Make check or money order payable to Five Freedom Fund

Mail to:

National Committee to Free the Cuban Five
2969 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94110

By tax-deductible check of $100 or more (U.S. only):

Make check payable to Progress Unity Fund/FFF

Mail to:

National Committee to Free the Cuban Five
2969 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94110

By wire transfer:

Call (415) 821-6545 or contact us for instructions

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